
June 28

Dreamed about writing, try to structure the plot of the dream I was in, but it just kept getting more complex and unraveling the more I put into it. Trying to tie together themes and story arcs for multiple characters. It had something to do with necromancy, lunchables, and a secret chamber hidden behind a stained glass window, holographic window.

June 27

Ok, finally something. Astral projecting? Flying through darkness, the usual thing. This time i am further exploring the hypothesis that when I speak in this state, I actually speak in the real world, lying in bed. I begin to speak words, incantations that seem to form of their own will. I try to sense the lips of my sleeping body moving, and wonder what some one would hear if they were in the bedroom with me. I realize that this is the most powerful use of this state; as a place to state affirmations and intentions for manifestation, to weave spells and incantations. For years, almost a decade now, I've been experiencing this state passively. As something that just happens to me, as I wait for it to end. Now I suddenly have a use for it. This followed by a short segment about being in a cross between the DC and a sort of school library. A young blonde girl is there, 5 or 6. I realize this must be a child version of Priscilla. See is scared and wants to be taken somewhere safe.

June 20

Prep: set intention to dream about writing. Dreamed about composing music instead. Dream: waiting in dark kitchen for teacher/guardian to arrive. When they show up, they are something like a ninja instructor. There are two. I offer them food, including pie. They are hungry and will eat first before we begin whatever it is we are going to do. It is the middle of the night. I step into the back yard and am shocked to see the moon moving swiftly across the sky with smaller sphere objects orbiting it. Also saw a large chunk of rock, a huge meteor moving through the sky as if in low orbit. A UFO, kindney bean shaped, emitting solid white light, is orbiting it. Then, another Ufo appears just above my house in the form of the Millennium Falcon, the same kind of solid white, a loose imitation. It shrinks down and flies into my house. Later, there is a gathering of family during some kind of new holiday where they have there kids dress up in medieval costumes and stage mock battles. As I w

June 19

I have been having trouble remembering my dreams these past few days, I have been leftl with  the sense that they should not be remembered or recorded. I also have not done any sleep prep. Last night i know I dreamed about camping. Something about a storm. A significant portion of the dream was set in a natural environment. Will have to take a more involved approach moving forward.

June 14

A banquet at factory Obscura where everyone was served free cake and pie. Sit next to Amber and a stranger. Pushing a blind man and a baby together in a stroller. I am frantic trying to find them, especially the baby. Taylor Tyree is helping me look through the crowds. It is a gathering of the spiritual community, they are planning to ask to bring new teachings and practices into the world, a new phase. Walk through a door and find shoes with some things in them. I am certain this is a clue left for me about what happened to the baby and the blind man. One shoe is full of pink make up and candy. At this point a preteen age girl approaches me and tells me she was the baby, and that I stopped carrying her and the blind man when I committed suicide by walking off a cliff. I tell her that must have been an alternate timeline, and that I must have skipped ahead in time for her to be suddenly grown up. Whatever happened, she hugs me and I felt probably the most unconditional love I've

June 11

Lucid, walking past the back fence of my yard and discovered a second yard, wondering about the symbolism of this, remembering that it is a reoccurring theme. Walking towards a grocery store, remembering that this is my opportunity to create now that I am lucid. I send light to Erin through the veils of the dream, the veils of reality. I remember that I don't have to wait until lucid dreaming to create; that I can create with the imagination during waking, which is the same effect but on a smaller scale, though still much more powerful than not imagining at all. Walking into a grocery store with two unknown friends, (one an approximation of Aerith from ffvii? Aerith, flower girl, Ancient architype). Coming face to face with a being or spirit or et, possibly having a flower like aura which makes me think nature spirit (or et nature spirit hybrid. Fey.). weeping openly in the grocery store. Then I was with the Cairn, in the Cairn, acknowledging her a person. She waswas show me build

June 10

Going to a football game with Mom and Liz, getting out of the van, trying to decide what books and notepads to bring to occupy myself during the game. This is the first dream in recently memory that references writing. Mom made a edm mixtape which was baffling, she wouldn't say if she composed the music or just mixed it, stating that there is no difference. She was also helping a girl record an album. Thought this was a completely outrageous twist of events.